My Message
2025. I am happy to invite you networking professional and or prospective employer an opportunity to get to know me better beyond my resume by viewing a comprehensive representation of my skills and experience as both a Reliability Maintenance Engineer and a Lean OpEx Continuous Improvement Practitioner. My online career portfolio website is a compilation of photographic and diagrammatic examples of my engineering proficiencies, cost savings contrivances, organizational acumen, resourcefulness, diagnostic perception and process and operation reliability improvements. “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” is a quote by Archimedes over 2,000 year ago that expresses the power of leverage. If you can and will follow me and support me in every way possible both in the technological tools and organizational methods of my trade and practice, I have every confidence of what can be brought to bear to succeed in you attaining your hitherto unmet business goals. I welcome your challenge...
Yours in earnest,
I can fluently teach in the following engineering lean continuous improvement methodologies:
- 5S
- Kaizen
- P&M Analysis
- TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
- Six Sigma (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control)
- Lean 101 - Batch Production vs One Piece Flow Cycle Time Reduction
- 8D TOPS (Team Oriented Problem Solving)
- MDI Boards
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)
- Mistake Proofing - Types - Methods - Outcome - Action
- Standard Work - Leader Standard Work
- 5 Whys
- Story Boards
- Cause Mapping
- Value Stream Mapping
- A3 Thinking
- RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
- Basic Statistics - 7 Basic Quality Tools - Gauge R&R DOE - PFMEA
This is a picture of my training field boxes. This is my operational excellence, maintenance, reliability show-on-road. I designed and made all of my own training models, tools, apparatuses and audio visual training materials. My training box is actually a Vietnam war era military field desk complete with a pull-out lockable table top and camping style fold out chair. I found and purchased it on E-bay back in 2000 and re-painted it matt black and the top box is a machinist's tool chest.
Yours truly in the belly of the beast. Hard at work TPM Step 8 Sub-Step 1 ‘Initial Cleaning’. Boots to the ground!
If you like to know what I am doing clamoring around deep inside the workings of this machine click on the tab 'TPM Examples' to find out...
business as usual
Something that I have on my home office wall and defines one of my business philosophies - 'Change Happens'. There is not too many things in life you can count on, but you can count on change. Then it can be a comfort. Some goods things will happen to you, some bad things will happen to you but, you can always count on the bad. If it does not kill you, you are going to be around long enough to see come back in a better way for you...
As you can see in the picuture these items represent the progressive technological innovations in sound recording media. From the first Edison Phonograph Cylinder, to Reel to Reel Tape, to 8 Track, to Compact Disc, to MP3, to where I think it is going to next and that is Audio Cerebral Implant - literally voices in your head...
This is a picture of my training field boxes. This is my lean, mean show-on-road. I designed and made all of my own training models, tools, apparatuses and audio visual training materials. My training box is actually a Vietnam war era military field desk complete with a pull-out lockable table top and camping style fold out chair. I purchased it on E-bay and re-painted it a matt black and the top box is a machinist's tool chest.
Yours truly in the belly of the beast. Hard at work TPM Step 8 Sub-Step 1 ‘Initial Cleaning’. Boots to the ground!
If you like to know what I am doing clamoring around deep inside the workings of this machine click on the tab 'TPM Examples' to find out...
required reading
Some of the written words in a published book, magazine, white paper or article that I have read in the last 20 years of my professional career. In some cases read more than once and some cases read more than twice and others more than thrice. Click on the image to open the link and see if you see anything here that you have read...
Mobile: 864-283-1736 Email: [email protected] Website: LinkedIn: Skype: fred.webberking1 Facebook: